Travelers’ choices of hotel selection may vary, based on the purpose of the trip, price, comfort, and cleanliness. A lot of people aren’t clean freak, but there is a risk we face when we check into hotels with poor cleaning standards; even the luxurious ones! Let’s be honest, you pay for it; therefore, no one should expect to be greeted by dusty furniture and stained glass or bedding. After numerous TV shows and online videos exposing the shocking truth about hotels’ hygiene; guests including myself are now paying more attention.


Hotels around the world have determined to keep their rooms, communal areas, and bathrooms clean, provide clean bedding and much more. Don’t get too excited!!! Sometimes, it is just a cover-up.

I used to believe that everything was perfect until I watched ” What’s hiding in your hotel room and Hidden Truth Behind Hotel Drinking Glasses“. After watching these videos yourself, you will realize why it is important to check everything once you walk into your room.

What to check:

1) Bed Bugs

These minuscule insects feed on human blood, and you can confirm that your bed is infested by checking the side of the mattress for dried blood speckles or tiny brown spots. You should not be worried about how you will spend the night, so just call management to switch your room or get a refund to go elsewhere. In addition, if there are no signs of bed bug but notice that the bedspreads are not clean; you can request a new one or always bring your own.

2) Bathroom Surfaces

After someone done cleaning the tub or toilet bowl, he/she probably just clean the sink where you wash your face or do mouth care. I am not trying to scare you by any chance but, having sanitizing wipes to wipe down the surfaces is a great idea. Also, make sure that you wash your hands and put on some gloves.

3) Most used items in the room

Tv remote, door handles, telephone, light switches, blow dryer and even the in-room menu can be very dirty because everyone touches them. Take your Clorox wipe and clean them before using.

I know this sounds a lot because if I am paying for a hotel room, it should be readily available; however, I am just here to tell you that not everyone cares. Just take the extra step and wipe everything.