Presiii Turns Two Today!!!
Presiii Turns Two Today!!!
How exciting is that? I have been blogging for 2 years now, and let me tell you that I have learned so much and still have a lot of figuring to do.
Honestly, I can say that I had an amazing year… When I got started, I started blogging about lifestyle and health but didn’t quite know that I would launch a whole Life Planner. By far this was one of the best accomplishments I have done in 2019. I am ready to master my craft and expend in every way possible.
The year of 2020 is the year to get proper coaching, find myself and be consistent. 2019 I have learned to take the leap, I have learned to try without having all the resources and this year is to master my craft. I literally can’t wait to share all the blogiversary to come with you. In the meantime I want to think all of you who have contributed to this blog and to my business.