Five money-saving tips you should know for your better self
Do you know there are many ways to save money before your paycheck dries out? Yes, I know that pay gap is different in each household but the little things you can do to save you a headache is just amazing.
Prior doing anything you need to create a budget list; even though, it may be hard to follow because of unexpected circumstances, DO IT. Now, if your paycheck varies based on overtime and weekends differentials; check it constantly either online pay stubs or ask a copy from your job every time. Then, you will have a clear understanding of what not to spend your coins on, once you know for sure how much money you’re making monthly . Bellow, are some helpful tips on how to save money.
First: If you are not using it, turn it off.
Some of us love the dark and some of us want to feel like they are in wonderland. Let’s be honest, if you are not in that room, there is no reason to keep the lights on. Also, if it’s not something you are using every day like a dishwasher and washer, unplug it or turn the switch off. Remember, if it’s plugged you are using it.
Second: Cut the cable.
Yeah, I remember paying only $15/month while I was in college; but never knew why it was so cheap, I guess they had split the bills among my roommates. I follow some financial groups on Facebook and when I hear how much people are paying for cable, I feel nauseous SERIOUSLY!!! If your apartment is not cable ready, you can still keep your internet service while subscribing to Hulu or Netflix. You will still be able to enjoy your favorite TV shows That’s like paying internet from $15-$40/month and $9 for Netflix compare to some $150-200 cable fees. Another thing, get yourself a fire stick and thank me later.
Third: Spend less.
Right, we all should know that. When buying something ask yourself if you need it or want it. That’s two different things. And you really have to get something compare your price and always get a second opinion. Check your app store and you will find price comparison apps such as Scanlife, Wal-Mart saving catcher and much more.
Fourth: One of my favorites. Clean out those closets!!!
My mother has taught me that since young age. She would go through everything we own at least twice a year and put them into three categories. The one we keep, sell and give away. I assure you, if you go through your closet right now you will find something to get rid of. Do a yard sale, Craigslist or tell your friends and make some money. If you decide to give them to Goodwill or Salvation Army, you get a tax deduction. Your benefit!!!
Fifth and last saving tips: Homemade meals
There’s nothing wrong with going out. If you work you suppose to treat yourself from time to time. However, it is important to know how to do the basic. Google recipes or get a cookbook for a beginner. You will be surprised how much $10 can be spent at home compared to a local restaurant. The best part of it is: you know what’s in your food.
This is so amazing! Congratulations!
Hello.This article was really motivating, especially since I was looking for thoughts on this issue last Saturday.