Hey, yes you!!! What is your story? You are scared, hopeless, nervous and afraid? I sometimes believe all of these but I am here to tell you that you can still do the next project,  make that change you always wanted: move to that city, start that business or podcast. I love this quote that says ” Do it scared, do it broke, do it confused but do it anyway”.

If you are a spiritual person I suggest that you pray. It works for me every time; with the work of course. Truth be told, sometimes you fall in your own negative thinking, you fall short of your own expectations, you beat yourself up and you are scared of starting over. You even think that you are not good enough or you weren’t meant for this or that. Just stop right there!!!

I am with you on this one but I am here to tell you that these moments are learning experiences. You get to know your strength and recognize your weakness; so when you feel that negative thinking is coming your way; it is your job to rebuke it immediately.

I will tell you why…

Nobody knows yourself as you do. You know that you were destined to be great, not just enough. The difference between where you at right now and where you want to be is the work; therefore ask God for direction from the position that you are in right now to move up and live your best life.

While I am writing this blog post, my daily motivational quote popped up on my phone saying “People are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves. That is why they remain bound” by James Allen. That was a confirmation; so, I am telling you to stop telling yourself “what if I fail”? But honey what if you fly? If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you must assure you won’t. See the possibility and live!!! You got this

Until next time darlings.