Another Year Older, Still Figuring The Best Side To Fall Asleep On
Like seriously, It takes me average two hours to fall asleep. I literally need about 3 to 4 different pillows so every inch of my body can rest properly, music and cool room temperature; I still can’t fall asleep. But heyyyy, I am still alive and grateful that I even have five pillows to sleep on. I will be twenty-something years old in just a couple hours and I am feeling old; I was just 18! How I pass 25 already? Anyway, this past year has been crazy good, and of course with ups and downs like any other year. The good thing is, I have done what scares me and pushes me to be better. I have moved to a new state/city all alone, I started that career job, launched my blog PRESIII that led me to meet and interview awesome individuals, dealt with a crazy schedule and tried to maintain a healthy weight and stay hydrated.
I was in bed the other day and realized how fast time flew by. I usually have this conversation with my friend that you just sit and do absolutely nothing; you will have your grey hair and realize that you have accomplish absolutely nothing. As I get older, the years move along quicker and quicker. So if you can’t turn your clock around; I suggest that you take a leap of faith, pray, work towards your goal an enjoy every moment of your life because life speeds on by and another year either you are ready or not, we grow older. On the same note, don’t let yourself intimidated by someone else’s success; he/she may have been building for five, ten years prior; so FOCUS and get your mind right. Not saying you should not look up to these people, they will motivate you, but take some times to reflect what you need to do personally and take it from there.

We ask this question a lot. Should I be proud of myself or should I push harder? Honestly, you can do both. I’m getting old but I am proud of many things I accomplish in life and I hope I made my parents proud too; they Invested a lot in me. I have also carried a lot of good memories in my lifetime; good family, friends, and mentors. I am not behind on not getting married or having children; I am right on time where I need to be. GRINDING, planning for the future and hopefully find a better pillow to fall asleep a little quicker than usual.
I will be at work for my birthday, but I will definitely gain an extra two pounds eating a huge cake later at home.
Hugs Presiii.
I definitely agree with you! Sometimes overthinking makes us lose sleep and it sucks. I struggle with insomnia and that makes it 10 times worst. We have to live in the present and give little steps every day to be where we want to be in the future.m; but at the same time, we can allow ourselves to have some “unproductive” days and chill.
All the love from Argentina!
Yes, definitely my dear. thanks for stopping by my dear. Love from the USA
I’m sorry that you have to deal with sleepless nights 😭😭 . On the bright side: happy birthday
Thanks my love. It’s crazzyyyyy