Is Your Skin Summer Ready?

Your skin needs protection all year long, but more outdoor activities are scheduled during summer because the kids are either at home or you have couple days off from work. You may spend more time exercising outdoors or meditating at beach , which is a good thing. However, not protecting your skin during these fun activities will only hurt you.

Don’t get me wrong, the sun does a lot for you; such as raising your serotonin and vitamins D levels. However, too much of anything is always bad news.  Spending too much much time outside, especially without sunscreen can start a number of skin issues such as : wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, sunburns and sometimes skin cancer.

I think, some ways to gard your skin is to alternate between sleeveless and long sleeve outfits and wear headgear; and If it’s too hot, you may wear a light outwear. Honestly, it may not be a hundred percent effective but it will definitely  reduce the amount of sun exposure. It is ideal to make sunscreen your bulletproof, specially if you will be outside all day.

In addition, you need to find the right sunscreen because sprays pose inhalation risk and may not give  full coverage; it is best to use lotion sunscreens. Read your labels so you know the ingredients and make sure to try it on your hands or wrist before putting it all over your body. Some sunscreen clearly state that it will give protection for up to 80 minutes which is less than two hours. Therefore, you should reapply sunscreen regardless the amount of SPF between that time frame or every two hours ; specially if you going to be in your bathing suit all day.  Also, swimming and sweat diminish its effect; something to think about.

Now, a lot of us forget the afte-sun exposure.  Post-sun treatment is essential as the sunscreen because it replenish, moisturize and protect the skin from tomorrow’s damage. After your sun exposure, it is necessary to take a cool shower, then apply your sun replenishing lotion to keep the skin moist and reduce the effect of overexposure.

Takeaway from the blog post is that sunscreen cannot provide you 100% protection from UV radiation; so give your skin some times in between to recover. I know it’s hot, it’s summer but overexposure effects can acumulate  overtime. Moreover, if you notice any sunburn, don’t be too hard on yourself; use a gentle cleanser until your skin recovers and do not expose your already damaged skin.

For your sun care need; Suncreen, Sun replenishing lotion, lip balm; Click Here