Hey darling, I promised that I would write a post about procrastination and I could not wait to share it with you. If you watched some of my live videos, you know by now that I am a big fan of planning. But first, what is procrastination? Let me just say it like this: Postponing something over and over. Plain and simple.
Now, it could be due to anxiety or last-minute changes; however, the moment you feel like it is affecting your work/project, it’s time for a change. Let’s get down to what may help you with procrastination.
1. Take The Fist Step, Even The Smallest one.
Dr. Martin L. King stated: ” You don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step”. Meaning, you can simply do the smallest task; even when you feel less motivated. The moment you decide to take the first step, you will likely take another one towards your goal.
2. Visualize The End Goal, Visualize The Positive Outcomes.
We are all aiming for something when we have a goal in mind. In order for you to challenge this bad habit, you have to keep your eyes on the prize. By focusing on the reward/ the big picture, you will be able to overcome procrastination.
3. Set a Deadline.
Anything without a deadline is a wish. It’s like you are hoping to win the lottery. When you want to overcome the tendency of procrastination; you have to be specific about your goals. Having it written down will be a constant reminder to complete your task.
4.Set A Schedule, Write Your Tasks And Stick To Them.
Oh well!!! There is no backing down! You have a date, therefore you have to write down each task or step you will take in order to meet that deadline. Schedule non-working time during the day so you can focus on other stuff such as: eating, mental break or a walk. However, when your timer start buzzing, you will need to get back to work in order to stay on top of things; unless something really urgent comes up.
5. Get An Accountability Partner.
An accountability partner will keep you grounded. It is always good to have one that keeps you on top of things and available to help you, if needed. Now, an accountability partner won’t do your task though! He/she is there to help you maintain your integrity by keeping your words and hitting every deadline.
6. Cut The Distraction.
You did it! You took the first step but you want to remain consistent. Write down the things you feel like that keep you away from completing your task. Maybe it’s your phone! Put it on silence while you are working and set a timer. If there’s noise in the house; maybe you need to go to the library. Be your own detective.
7. Be Gentle With Yourself.
You’re now taking the necessary steps; you are doing your best. You know that you have been procrastinating and you are now making the effort to break the cycle. If you feel overwhelmed in the process, take some time to refocus, you are doing good.
8. Give Yourself A Reward.
Every step you take towards that goal is an accomplishment. Sign a contract with yourself in the beginning. (After launching my business in June, 15th 2019, I will get myself an all inclusive spa session). After all, you have been working so hard. You deserve it.
How are you fighting with procrastination?
Sometimes, I still have to pinch myself. lol